Monday, October 12, 2015

McDonald's: Finding A Voice

Hi everyone!!! I've been absent for quite a long time. I just haven't had the time or motivation to write anything. Well...I have a story that must be shared and hope anyone who reads this will get something out of this situation.

So, I have been working a McDonald's for a month now. Day by day I'm getting the hang of everything and I'm bonding with my coworkers. What's the point of going to work if you can't get along with everybody, right?!!! LOL!!! I pretty much like everybody, and as far as I know they like me back (they have to since I'm ginger LOL) Anyway, my best companion, Josie, and myself were working the same hours on a Friday night. Everything was going great. The day was going by and everyone seemed to be in a great mood. However, the mood shifted somewhat when another coworker came in for her shift. I'm being myself as usual.

Now before I continue, let me tell my usual routine for work. I mostly do counter and take orders. Occasionally, I help restock and do whatever is needed to help the restaurant run smoothly. When I am on counter I randomly sing and occasionally dance... a lot!!! I work at McDonald's so I might as well make the best of it, right?!!! At least that's what I think anyway!!! Have fun, people!!! Be cool...Don't be all, like, uncool!!!

Ok, so I'm being my regular self on this Friday night and everyone is doing fine. However, this coworker (Who will not be named out of respect and I want to shade her by not naming her LOL), was being sneaky around me which I thought was odd. Why is she not being direct with me? Did I say something wrong? So me and my buddy, Josie, leave after our shift ended. After the shift we usually talk in her car and talk about the day. We're just cool like that.

We're in the car and Josie says to me, "Kyle, I need to tell you what happened".
I was like, " Huh, what happened?"
This was different than our usual talk.
Josie was telling me, "That girl was talking shit about you. She kept pestering about you like 'Why does he talk like that?', 'Why does act like that?', and she was being very judgmental toward you. And then she's like, 'Is he gay?' and I told her of course because it's pretty obvious. And she said, "Oh, well I thought he was retarded and that's the only reason they hired him'."

I was in shock!!! I have never experienced anything like this before in my life. What kind of person would make such cruel comments about someone they don't know. And there was more too. Whenever I left my area she would me a "male bitch" or "male witch" as well. What did I do to deserve this? I have done nothing but be kind to this girl. It was so hateful, but I wasn't upset. I was more disappointed in this girl's behavior, and I decided I wasn't going to take this kind of "attack" lying down. So Josie and I agreed we needed to report her sorry ass to the managers. Her actions should not be tolerated. I informed one of the managers that what I was going to do so that they're informed. So, the next morning Josie and I came in and privately talked to the head manager about what happened.  She was shocked and told us she would meet with the girl and discuss the incident (and other similar incidents as well since I wasn't the only person she talked bad about). Later in the day, my Mom came to work and surprised me. I got to talk to her for a little bit and I told her about what happened. Right after I told her, the mean girl came in for her shift. My Mom asked me if that was the girl saying things about me and I told her yes. But I also told her not to say anything to her so that a scene wasn't made. Well I should have known better, but my Mom said something to her anyway. She went up to the girl and said "Hey listen. You don't know my son! Don't talk about son! So you better watch yourself!" The girl was stunned. She was silent the remainder of time I was at work (GO MOM!!! LOVE YOU!!!)

The next day, I find out the Girl Who Will Not Be Named was fired!!! YAAAAASSSSS!!! Justice was served!!! I felt very humble and happy with the outcome. I learned that I won't let anybody get away with saying mean things or doing horrible things to me. I will never be abused or shut down!!! I HAVE A VOICE AND I WILL USE IT!!! In this experience, I really appreciated my coworkers and family in this situation. They all had my back in regards to this incident. The support was very overwhelming. The love and support reminded me that I am wanted and people do care for me!!! Oh who am I kidding!!! They Love me!!! You really Love me!!! LOL. I hope that with me sharing this this will help give people a voice. YOU CAN SPEAK UP AND YOU WILL BE HEARD!!! DON'T LET ANYBODY STAND IN YOUR WAY AND TAKE YOUR HAPPINESS AWAY!!! YOUR VOICE MATTERS!!! THERE'S A REASON THAT KARMA COMES BACK AROUND TO THOSE WHO WISH TO HURT OTHERS!!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week...month...and rest of the year!!! Don't know when I'll write again, but stay tuned!!! LOL

You can keep in touch with me on Twitter @KyleO333 and Instagram: KyleO333

Double Love!!! <3 <3